Acceptable Documentation
Acceptable Identification (Adult)
Bring Proof of ID for you
Must include your full name; not expired; original document only
- Notice of Action – if listed as eligible participant
- Photo ID – Driver’s License, school, work, military
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Medicaid Card
- Passport with Picture
- WIC issued Purple ID Card (re-certs only)
Acceptable Identification (Child)
Bring Proof of ID for each child
Must include child’s full name; not expired; original document only
- Notice of Action
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Medicaid Card
- Passport with Picture
- WIC issued Purple ID Card (re-certs only)
- Worksheet Birth Certificate
- WIC Infant Enrollment ID Card
Verification of Address
Bring Proof of Nebraska Address
Postmarked or dated within the last 30 days; original, paper copy, or digital
For Women: Mail with woman’s name or spouse’s name
For Child: Mail with child’s or legal guardian’s name when they are an Authorized Representative (primary or additional)
- Notice of Action (mailed/viewed online)
- Physical mail – sent to your street address
- Physical mail – showing your service address
- Online Mail (Showing service address) – utility bill, cable bill, lease, property tax statement, appraisal form, mortgage receipt
- Informed Delivery App (US Postal Service) – scanned mail showing name and address
Verification of Income
Bring Income from all sources for all household members (past 30 days)
If child(ren) and/or women you are enrolling are active in Medicaid, 599 CHIP, if the family currently receives SNAP Benefits, or ADC, those participants do not have to show any other form of Income. Bring us proof of one of those programs instead of household income proof.
- Current pay stubs from your job
- Signed statement or income letter from employer
- Military LES – Leave & Earnings Statement
- Self-Employed Documents: W-2 Forms; most recent income tax statement; accounting records
- Social Security Benefits: award letter or bank statements
- Unemployment wages: benefit stub, bank statement, unemployment letter or notice
- Retirement, Pensions, Annuities, or Veteran’s payments
- Alimony or child support – award letter, copy of check received, divorce decree, bank statement
- Disability payments – including veteran’s disability payments
- Workers Compensation Benefits
- General use trust, savings, inheritance money: bank statements showing regular withdrawals or trust or savings account for non-educatial use
- Net Royalty Payments